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After years and years of keeping a diary, making little films, notes, voice recordings and playing out conversations in my head. ive decided to share my rather caotic brain with you all. THIS IS YOUR WARNING!

I currently am living ith a rather severe eating disoderwhich is taking up most of my time and energy however im hoping my blogging and vlogging, I will porivde an outlet not only for myself but maybe feel a tad useful, heing myself and maybe other too. 

Background Info

I have grown up in oxford all my life, same house, same school, same friends, nothing out of the ordinary. i developed anxiety at around 11 and at 13 became unwell with anorexia which has been the promonent controlling factor of my life ever since. i ahev also since been diagnoised with OCd which in reflection seems like something that was their prior to any of the other issues. however, i ahd a fairly happy childhood, good schooling and no external trauama.

Things Now

i am 20 yeras old (eek) and from oxfordhsire. i currently live with my family (ma, pa, bro, sis and doggo) and am on some sort of gap year until im well enough to move forward with my life whetehr that be uni, a job or moving out.

Looking forward

i have a place to study Law at Uni Septmeber 2021 and id love to be able to go, not only to learn how to be even BETTER at arguigng but also make new friends adn really start LIVING! however, i also wnat to act, bake, get into politics and live a bit of life that i wasnt able to in my teen age years. i just want to be normal and happy. heres to hoping i get that this year!

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